Welcome Home: An Exciting Announcement Welcoming a New Full Time Faculty...
4th Avenue Arts is thrilled to announce the addition of Angela Dennis as Full Time Faculty! Dennis will be joining the team as the...

Dance Against Cancer 2016
Friday October 7, 2016 - Huntington, W.Va. - In conjunction with “Breast Cancer Awareness Month,” 4th Avenue Arts is proud to present...

Youth America Grand Prix 2016
Feburary 6th, 7th & 8th was spent in Pittsburg with 6 very dedicated students, two school directors, and a loyal following of supportive...

Snow Dancing!
On a snow day, sometimes you just have to stay inside, keep warm, and nurish your soul... Snowfall reminds me of nothing but movement....

Ballet Day Camp: Continuing to Train on Break
Today at 4th Avenue Arts we are blessed with 10 ballet dancers coming to train over their holiday break! I am reminded on days like today...